Thursday, October 27, 2011

Matcha and Red Bean Cake Roll

Matcha and Red Bean Cake Roll

For the cake:

- Egg 2 pcs
- Olive oil 20g
- Milk 40g
- Cake Flour 60g
- Sugar 60g
- A pinch of salt
- 1 tablespoon matcha (finely powdered green tea)

For the filling:
- 280 grams sweetened red bean paste (see Red bean paste instructions)
- 80 grams whipped cream

For the topping: (optional)
- confectioner's sugar
- matcha (green tea powder)

Prepare the cake. Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F) and line a 35-by-25-cm pan with parchment paper

In a medium mixing bowl, combine the egg yolks with 1/3 sugar.
In another bowl, sift together the flour and matcha. Stir the flour mixture into the egg yolk mixture until just blended, without overmixing.

Place the egg whites, 2/3 sugar and the pinch of salt in a clean, grease-free mixing bowl, and whisk until stiff. Stir one third of the egg whites into the batter, then fold in the rest with a spatula, lifting the mixture to keep as much air as possible in the egg whites.

Pour the batter onto the prepared pan or sheet, making sure it reaches the corners, and smooth out the surface gently with the spatula. Bake for 6 to 8 minutes, keeping a close eye on it, until just set.

While the cake is baking, prepare the filling: combine the red bean paste and whipped cream in a bowl, and stir well. Set aside.

Once the cake is baked, you have to work quickly while the cake is still warm, otherwise it will be too stiff to roll. Slide the parchment paper and cake on a cold baking sheet or a tray. Using a sharp knife, trim the edges of the cake if necessary to get a neat rectangle, or if the edges have gotten a bit crisp in the oven.

Cover with a clean dishtowel (or a fresh sheet of parchment paper, which you can reuse several times) and flip cautiously onto your work surface, so that one of the short edges is close to you. Remove the cold baking sheet or tray and carefully peel off the sheet of parchment paper on which the cake baked. The cake will now be upside-down, the spongiest side facing the ceiling.

Spread the filling onto the cake, leaving a margin all around. Roll the cake tightly onto itself, starting from the edge closest to you. It will feel a little awkward at first -- you can use the dishtowel to help your grip -- but will get easier after the first few inches. Wrap the rolled cake tightly in the dishtowel and place it seam side down in the fridge to set for a few hours or overnight.

Just before serving, slice off the ends of the roll -- at an angle if you like -- for a neater look, place the cake on a serving dish, and dust with confectioner's sugar and/or a little matcha powder. Serve on its own, or with a dollop of yogurt. The leftovers will keep for a few days, well wrapped in the fridge.

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