Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chiffon cake

Pan measures 8-inch diameter and 5-inch deep

Egg 1 pcs
Oil 10g
Milk 20g
Cake Flour 30g
Sugar 30g
A pinch of salt

For 5 eggs recipe:

Egg yolks 5 pcs
Oil 50g
Milk 100g
Cake flour 150g
Sugar 50g
A pinch of salt

Egg white 5 pcs
Sugar 100g

Preheat oven at 160 degree
Separate egg white and yolks

Mix 1/3 sugar with egg yolks
Add oil, milk and salt to the yolk mixture

Sift in cake flour
Mix until batter can draw

Whisk egg white with 2/3 sugar until peak form
Add 1/3 egg white mixture to yolk mixture, stir well
Add all egg white mixture and mix well.

Bake in oven at 160 degree for 10-15 mins
After baking, put to cake to cooling rack upside down

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