Saturday, April 28, 2012

Green Tea Creamy Cup cake


Cup Cake:
2 Eggs
10g Sugar
10g Olive Oil
20g Milk
60g Flour
10g Chocolate Chips (optional)

1 cup Whipped Cream (Cold)
5 tsp Confectioners' sugar 
3 tsp Green Tea Powder

Preheat oven at 160 degree
Separate egg white and yolks

Mix 1/3 sugar with egg yolks
Add oil, milk and salt to the yolk mixture

Sift in cake flour
Mix until batter can draw

Whisk egg white with 2/3 sugar until peak form
Add 1/3 egg white mixture to yolk mixture, stir well
Add all egg white mixture and mix well.
Pipe batter in cupcake linerAdd chocolate chip on top of the batter. (optional)
Bake in oven at 160 degree for 10-15 mins
After baking, put to cake to cooling rack upside down

Whip the cream, and add confectioner's sugar.
Add green tea powder
Continue whipping until the green tea powder is incorporated.

Pipe cream on top of cup cakes when they are cool.